Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Experiment 02: Next time, there won’t be no next time

I simply cannot criticize someone who gave the world love, laughs, some life lessons, but most importantly MAGIC in 7 brilliant doses called the Harry Potter series.

We grew up wishing we weren’t just plain muggles, wishing the Hogwarts letter came so we too could buy robes, wands, cauldrons & pets in Diagon alley instead of normal clothes and fill our accounts in Gringotts with gold instead of using normal banks(how boring!). We grew with the leading trio and the motley crew of students, we mourned those who died, celebrated the small victories and learnt to hate the many twisted villains. We identified with them- the lunacy of Luna, Neville’s shyness, the pressure he faced, Fred & George’s constant tricks, Mrs. Weasleys’s momminess, the fun the 4 marauders had.. We learnt lessons our parents tried to instill through age-old epics and fables- the power of sacrifice and pure love, friendship, hope, bravery . Oh, how I loved it!

JK Rowling , I’m glad you wrote on that napkin on the train. Thank you very much.

I could write 10 more posts as a tribute to one of the greatest set of books ever written, but…. 

This post is about a man. A man named David Yates.

First Day First Show. Harry Potter & The Deathly Hallows (Part 2).
Excitement. Thinking back to the last time I read the book.

There’s something called a "directorial touch". And this is what it ruined taught about the saga:

1) When Voldemort  shall speak, little girls shall shriek (like a crazy banshee that too!!)

2) Let’s have the Ron & Hermoine kiss in the Chamber of Secrets, after all, how much more romantic  than the Room of Requirement.

And yeah, while we’re at it, screw any nice dialogue which may lead to the kiss.

3) Alecto and Amycus Carrow – 2 new characters to cast! Forget the screen tests. Nobody remembers them, right? Let’s further save on costs by not building a Ravenclaw tower! A Hurrah for cheapness!

4) Lily Potter had green eyes. Ergo, Harry Potter had green eyes. Ergo, the director is either colour blind OR he ran out of green contact lenses.

5) Snape was a death eater,so he stored memories in teardrops?? And when did Dumbledore order that swanky black pensieve to replace the old, solid, white one?

6) Someone thinks that movie watchers are idiots. They won’t notice if we don’t show Teddy, Victoire and all of Ron, Hermoine, Harry, Ginny, & Malfoy’s kids aren’t shown. We’ll just show them Albus Severus coz he’s the best kid!

7)The Shrieking shack is just a halogen lamp-lit slightly zigzag pathway away from Hogwarts Castle. It must have been an illusion that the decrepit house was hard to get into. You know kids and their wild imagination! 

Let’s skip the Headmaster’s office after Voldemort’s death and Harry repairing his OWN wand before discarding the elder wand,  let Harry pop out of Hagrid’s hand without the invisibility cloak, let Mrs. Weasley roam around Hogwarts in her bathrobe, let Fred & George have perfectly functional ears, let the gold cups in Gringotts not burn, let Harry & Voldemort jump off random towers together .
(I stopped numbering points after 7, for effect :P ) 

Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows is MORE than that. It all ENDS here!!

Wait, It all ends here? NO, it ended  for me long time ago, when I read the book, mourned for Snape( Oh! You prince L ) and all that jazz.
No offence to you, Mr. Yates. You’re a visionary distorting the wrong movies..

The few scenes I actually enjoyed were  Neville’s touching speech  *sniff*,  King’s Cross(where Harry was thankfully not naked) and the final fight.

Interesting interpretation I say. Interesting interpretation which disappointed me slightly that’s all.
I’m not saying I hated the movie. It wasn't bad. I even have tickets for tonight :P  I’m just saying, the final installment unfortunately turned out to be the topic for my 2nd post. :)


1) If you haven’t watched the movie, go watch!! If you have, you hopefully know what I’m talking about.
2) Guess the inspiration for the post title and WIN! :D
3) Hula-hooping is hard. Try it!
4) Next time, shorter posts :P


  1. nice post! in my opinion, the director mistook voldemort for some senile old man who caught the kid who stole his walking stick :D

  2. The eternal debate - Book v/s movie - nice post

    Title inspirations - Love the way you lie by Eminem ft. Rihanna?

  3. Thanks Sharkie & Raghav :)
    Eminem it is. Raghav, YOU WIN!! Woohoo
    Buzz me & give address.

  4. Almost a perfect description of what went wrong, vibes, but Snape's memory coming off his tears made it so much more senti. They didn't have time to put in teddy necking victoire and the other kids to maintain the feel. Touching interpretation I say
