Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Experiment 1: Oh! The horror! (Of a First Post)

Alas! I have no choice. At Her Majesty’s Secret Request, I have undertaken a mission to share my experiences and wonderful experiments with the humble inhabitants of the Internet-connected world.

Why me? - you ask.

 Over the 20 or so years I managed to successfully survive on this planet, I have:-

a) been asked by a friend to send her comic videos of myself forever as entertainment, and won the ‘Best Head-Patter’ Award- a highly coveted title, if I may say so myself.

b) had deeply philosophical musings about the current state of Earth, Religion, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy and Justin Bieber.

c) been moved to tears by music and learnt to love the piano. I’ve penned odes to weather elements a la PB Shelley and gotten lost in literary worlds and words.

d) laughed at the non-funniest of jokes and dreamt of the strangest things in vivid HD…

e) met the awesomest people,  made friends to last a lifetime and even found pichle-janam-ke-jaan-pehchaan-wale(sometimes you just *connect* that well, you know)

In other words, I’ve lived like a billion others, and I definitely hope to continue…

However, this mission turned out to be harder than imagined. Decisions, decisions, decisions. The name, the colour, the ideas, the posts, the spell-checking atleast 5 times (OCD, I guess) will convey more about me than I can in words. The first post was supposed to be about my trials and tribulations in the course of finally getting these words out on a blog.Oh well.

Here is where YOU come in, dear reader. Yes, YOU in front of the computer screen, reading these very words. Dare to comment, follow, question, hate and/or love here.

Watch this space regularly and maybe you’ll know the answer to Life, the universe, to everything, given the answer is NOT 42 :P (People tell me my status messages are hard to understand o_o) 

Let’s make this an affair to remember. Shall we?

Post Script:
I love postscripts hence every post find a random factoid (about me or otherwise) , a question or a link. Every. Single. Time. I promise!

Starting with…
1. Voldemort’s Downfall Cometh! We We We so excited!
2. I can’t dance to save my life. But chances are, I will never need to J J
3. This post has been published as a dedication to a special Nepali. Words in return for yours.