Thursday, July 28, 2011

Experiment 03: To Pilani - A Gastronomical Ode

If you aren’t a BITSIAN- read on anyway. 
People who eat food may identify with my sentiments.

         Pilani, Pilani, I miss you so
Every little inch of you
Hungry or not, flood or drought
I cannot forget your food

         75 days since I saw you last!
Since I scooped your strands on a spoon
          These last days seem the toughest
My dear Frie(n)d Maggi from Blue moon

         Yes, I’m sitting at home
& I love my maa-ka khana
But how do I justify the world
Your absence makes me go bananas

         Bananas remind me of apples
And Apples of Mango shakes
I shall have you on the 31st!
No matter what it takes.

         And imagine such fruits & many more
Cutely cut & served on a plate
A heathy fruit chat from the UCO Redi
For those who watch their weight ;)

         The Redis are living beings, always buzzing
Each with their own unique traits
Chaat, Chai and Chats with friends  
They make ideal cheap dates

         Pappu ji & his Skylab crew
Sandwiches, Burgers & Drinks.
The entire menu comes in my sleep,
Food-gasms while I take forty winks   

         IC isn’t that far either
Bread pakoda, dahi vada, maggi
A great way to start the day
Just add a glass of shikanji

And what about the mass feeding ground
Grubs and watery meals for all        
The messes some love, some love to hate
Yet hundreds throng those halls

          PPW in Sharma’s with a bonfire
          A Hot Chocolate in your hand
          Misting up Cnot with every breath
          A wondrous winter-land

          Summers are special too
          Think of cool drinks with ice
          Quenching thirsts with ganne-ka-ras
          And khus & shakes feels nice
         The All Night Canteen in Pilani
          Fondly known as ANC
          Home of great Club Sandwiches
          & burgers to fill an empty tank

          Food-king an option always
Arguably the most decent in looks
South-Indian fare for those who care
Oh! Those frankeys of which we partook

I really don't mind the unhealthy oils
As long as I don't see how it's done
It's more about the people than the meal
Dinners with college friends are super-fun   

          Pilani, Pilani, I miss you so
I’ll come back & leave you again
Leave I will then for the final time    
But these memories shall remain

A shout-out to those I forgot to mention above (or didn’t add :P ) -
The Nestle "Cafe" in MB - for it's birthday clebrations, Nobles for its overpriced but tasty food, and malai sandwiches, Sam-chats, poha, bhel at redis.

a) I miss Pilani L Don’t you? 2 more days! 
b) A Big Thank You to a special anonymous reader (codename: “R”) who made my day with an e-mail. It meant a lot.
c) New SWD Dean in the house. Guess who?
d) Have you tried the "Pilani-special fried Burger" outside campus?