Sunday, March 25, 2012


Rules of the game

The basic story:
There are 2 opposing sides. The Mafia & the Innocent Villagers.
Round by round, players get killed/eliminated.
Mafia win when they outnumber the villagers.
Villagers win when they eliminate the Mafia completely from the village.
4 basic characters are Mafia, Oracle(Villagers- side player), Doctor (Villagers- side player), Villager. 
Remember as: MODV.
God(Narrator)conducts the game and sees/knows everything.

Typical Game progress
Everyone is assigned individual roles by God(Narrator)
 All close eyes.
Mafia open their eyes, silently select 1 player to kill. Mafia close eyes.
Oracle opens and points to someone he/she suspects as Mafia. Closes eyes.
Doctor opens eyes, points to someone to protect from killing. Closes eyes.
All open eyes.
God announces
1.      if anyone is dead
2.      If Oracle was right/wrong
The dead people cannot participate in discussion but are allowed to say a few last words e.g. revealing their identity as oracle/doctor, suspecting someone of being Mafia etc.
Village discussion happens among all survivors about who could be mafia.
Mafia try to confuse the villagers by bringing innocents under suspicion.
Elimination of 1 survivor by vote.
Next round starts.

Main characters in the village
1.      Mafia
They can choose 1 player of their choice to kill every round. Villagers don’t know who are mafia. Mafia pretend to be innocent when village discussion happens and try to get an innocent person eliminated. A Mafioso can even say he/she is an Oracle /Doctor and try to sway the people’s opinion as per their evil motives.  The risk is the true Oracle/Doctor may come reveal the identity and expose the mafia. The main aim of Mafia is to survive and kill as many villagers as possible by getting them voted out as suspected mafia, trying to get rid of Oracle/Doctor etc. to win.
2.      Villagers
These are simple powerless innocents. Their aim is to find the Mafia and eliminate them.
Usually 2-3 Mafia exist in a group of 10, so Villagers are in majority. It is upto them to correctly see any politics, teamwork by mafia to mislead the public and try to eliminate the mafia.
3.      Oracle (Villager’s team)
Once, Mafia has chosen victim for killing, the Oracle opens his/her eyes to point to any person and closes them. The Oracle is RIGHT if he/she points to MAFIA and wrong otherwise.
God reveals whether Oracle is right or wrong once all eyes are opened and also announces who died (if someone did). So if right, he/she can get the mafia eliminated.
Note that if Oracle has died, then God can still say “Oracle was right/wrong” at the end of subsequent rounds, just to make the game interesting.
 The true Oracle/Doctor can reveal himself whenever he/she wants at any stage of the discussion, at the risk of becoming a potential next victim, because Doctor/Oracle help the villagers find the Mafia. It’s completely personal discretion to reveal oneself and it helps if he/she’s sure that revealing the identity will help VILLAGERS win the game.

4.      Doctor (Villager’s Team)
The Doctor is asked to open his eyes after Mafia have chosen victim and oracle has chosen his suspect.
The Doctor points to a person he/she thinks might be killed in that round. Doctors can point to themselves too!
If Doctor points to the Mafia’s chosen victim, he saves the person from being killed.
If Doctor points to anyone else, nothing happens.
At the end of the round, if God announces “No one is dead”, it implies doctor saved the victim correctly. If someone is killed, doctor pointed to the wrong person.
The true Oracle/Doctor can reveal himself whenever he/she wants at any stage of the discussion, at the risk of becoming a potential next victim, because Doctor/Oracle help the villagers find the Mafia. It’s completely personal discretion to reveal oneself and it helps if he/she’s sure that revealing the identity will help VILLAGERS win the game.